About Me

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Hi! I'm Kaytee Mueller. I am 31 years young. I have 3 children, Hudson (5), Nora (3) and Clare (a few months old)...(yes I have my hands full... haha). My husband's name is Kyle and we've been together for something like 13 years.... and I am a teacher. I teach 1st grade this year and I absolutely love everything about it. The only thing is, I get bored very easily & let's just say it's rare that I do the same thing more than once. With that being said, I am constantly researching, googling, pinning, & searching blogs to find new and improved ways to better meet the needs of my very diverse learners. Oh-- and did I mention that I'm the bulletin board queen? Yes. Absolutely love decorating my class and making a room with 4 cement walls feel like a cozy, homey, comfortable, safe & magical place to learn--not easy but well worth it.

Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day Jitters

Desks are ready for the kids tomorrow!

So excited to meet my new students & catch up with my old ones.

Back to school is so overwhelming. There's so much to do.

But, when it comes down to it, it's all about the kids & what they need from you as a teacher.

Here are my promises to my students of 2014-2015 school year:

1. I promise to teach in a fun but meaningful way each and every day. I won't get lazy or turn to worksheets to fill the time. Each minute you spend learning in my classroom will be well thought out and planned thoroughly & carefully.  I don't believe in busy work. We'll work in cooperative groups as much as possible. You will learn how to work respectively in groups and engage in meaningful conversation with your peers.

2. I promise to rarely give homework over the weekends. You're a kid. I get that  the last thing you want do be doing on Saturday night is a spelling worksheet. So, be a kid, play, make memories with your family & don't worry about doing homework over the weekend.

3. I promise to help guide you through the year while making you an independent learner. You'll do things you never would've dreamt you could do-- like read a chapter book (all-by-yourself) or write your name in cursive or read two (very different) informational articles and write a compare/contrast piece (all-by-yourself). I can't promise you won't struggle. I never said 2nd grade will be easy, but you'll do great and I'll be there to guide and help you with every hiccup along the way.

4. I promise to treat you like I treat Hudson and Nora. I'll mother you when you need a little TLC. I'll give you tough love when you've messed up (we've all been there-- we'll deal with the consequences and learn from our mistakes).  I promise to be patient with you. I promise to spend time with you to help you in any way I can...even if that means giving up my lunch to help you figure out how to subtract double digit numbers with regrouping. I hope you know my job as your teacher doesn't end at 3:00 when you walk out the door & that I truly care about you!

5. I promise to make a difference in your life. Whether that difference be teaching you how to tie your shoe or being there when your dog passes away. I'll be there and hopefully I'll make some kind of positive difference in your life.

To my 2nd graders of 2014-2015-- welcome!!! I'm so excited to teach you this year. We are going to have a blast!

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